Breast Ultrasound



Hình ảnh này chưa có thuộc tính alt; tên tệp của nó là Xét-nghiệm-tầm-soát-ung-thư-vú.jpg

Ultrasounds don’t use radiation and are considered safe for pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers. A breast ultrasound is an imaging technique commonly used to screen for tumors and other breast abnormalities. The ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to produce detailed images of the inside of the breasts.

The women need to a breast ultrasound at least once year, why ?

An ultrasound helps your doctor determine whether the lump is a fluid – filled cyst or a solid tumor. It’s also allows them to determine the location and size of the lump. while a breast ultrasound can be used for assess a lump but it’s can’t be determine whether the lump is cancerous. The cancerous only assess if a simple of tissue or fluid removed the lump and tested in a laboratory. Remember that four out of five breast lumps are benign, or noncancerous.

How is a breast ultrasound performed ? 

After you laid on your back on an ultrasound table, doctor will apply a clear gel to your breast, this conductive gel helps the sound waves travel through your skin. The doctor will the move the transducer over your breast. The transducer sends and receives high-frequency sound waves, as the waves bounce off the internal structures of your breast, the transducer records changes in their pitch and direction. This creates a real-time recording of the insideof your breast on a computer. If the doctor find something suspicious, they will take mulyiple picture.

An ultrasound is the preferred method of breast examination for women who are pregnent. In fack, the ultrasound uses a same type of ultrasound waves used  to monitor the development of the fetus.

Recently, all the hospitals in vietnam used ultrasound in diagnostic.

Thank you for watching !

The article content was consultanted by Dr Vu Thi Tu Hang, director of Binh Dan General Hospital – Address: 376 Tran Cao Van street, Da Nang City. – Doctors directory of Vietnam

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Bệnh viện Bình Dân Đà Nẵng – Ảnh chụp bởi Khamdinhkydanang

A first private hospital in Vietnam, was established in 1997 by Dr Vu Thi Tu Hang. 

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