What should you do when you get food poisoning ?

What should you do when you get food poisoning ?

Doctor directory of Vietnam

Signs of food porsoning ? 

Depending on the level, physical and body condition, the are different symptems when suffering from food poisoning. However, the symptems below are common:

  • Feeling sick (nausea)
  • Being sick (vomiting)
  • Diarrhoea, which may contain blood or mucus.
  • Stomach cramps and abdominal pain
  • A lack of energy and weakness.
  • Loss of appetite
  • A high temperature of 38C or above (fever)
  • Aching musclees
  • Chills

The symptems of food poisoning usually begin within 1 to 2 days of eating contaminated food. That also start a few hours later.

What should you do when get poisoning ? 

At home: 

Most cases of food poisoning will go away on their own, tipically within 48 hours. You can treat food poisoning at home with some thing need to do below:

  • Drink fluids, such as water, fruit juice or sport drinks , to prevent dehydration.
  • Eat bland foods as your digestive system recovers.
  • Avoid dairy products.
  • Adults can also try over the counter medications such as berberin.
Berberin has the affect of supporting the treatment of many types of gastrointestinal diseases, but the most common is to improve symptoms caused by bacteria or intestinal parasites. This medicine is also used to produce superinfections of fungi, against E.Coli bacteria and cholera bacteria.

It is not by chance that many people call this medicine Berberin stomachache.

When you need to go the hospital for treatment of food poisoning ? 

You need to go the hospitals for treatment when some symptoms are an indication that include:

  • Bloody diarrhea or diarrhea for longer than three days.
  • Fever of 102°F or higher
  • Inability to keep fluids down.
  • Signs of dehydration, including not urinating, a dry mouth or dizziness.

Dehydration is a common effect of food poisoning, so being careful to stay hydrated is a key part of treating the illness.

This post by 199 Hospital, if you need more advise, please contact their following information below:

199 Hospital: 

  • Add: 216 Nguyen Cong Tru St, Son Tra Dis, Da Nang (Nearly My Khe beach)
  • Hotline: 1900986868
  • Tel: 02363 985 276
  • Email:
  • Registration online: Click here
  • Support for registration online 247: 0906548848 – Danh bạ bác sĩ cho mọi nhà.

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Hệ thống được tài trợ bởi: Bệnh viện 199 – Bộ Công An

Admin: Nguyen Hai Quoc – Email:

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