Talking about a place of take care for elderly in Danang that few people know about, a good place located in a large hospital, that is Daycare center of 199 Hospital.
Here, the elderly get comprehensive medical care, get collective activities to impro there morale and health.
Information contact of Daycare center:
What is the mission of day care centers ?
Day care centers are simply basic daily care services and medical care for elderlies, where the elderly are quaranteed hours, nutrition, exercise and rest. It is a good environment for the elderly to interact and meet to help improve their spirits and health. This is a convenient service for families with elderly people but do not have enough time to take care of them.
Schedule of all activities:
Morning: 7AM to 11:30 AM
Noon: 11:30 Am to 1:30 PM
Afternoon: 2PM to 4:30 PM
Khamdinhkydanang.com – Doctors directory of Vietnam
The web working for the public health, so all hospitals, clinics, dental, beauty salon…can post information for free.
Established by Mr Nguyen Hai Quoc