Physical therapist in Danang
In physical therapy, trained professionals evaluate and treat abnormal physical function related to, for example, an injury, disability, disease or condition.
A physical therapist helps take care of patients in all phases of healing, from initial diagnosis through the restorative and preventive stages of recovery. Physical therapy may be a standalone option, or it may support other treatments.
If you need to find a physical therapy facility in Da Nang, let’s contact information below:
1. Handsviet sport medicine and Musculoskeletal center Contact information:
All services and prices at Handviet center: Handsviet is chosen by foreigners because the service herre is highly personalized and cost is reasonable. CEO: Dr Vo Thi Hong Huong You can making an appointment with Dr Vo Thi Hong Huong on this page or call 0906548848. |
2. Rehabilitation department of 199 hospital Contact information:
| – Doctors directory of Vietnam
The web working for the public health, so all hospitals, clinics, dental, beauty salon…can post information for free.
Established by Mr Nguyen Hai Quoc
Rehabilitation facililies in Da Nang