Doctors directory in Da Nang– For Expats
If you need a medical home care sevice while you are living in Danang, let’s contact the information below for get an appointment with the doctors. They are come from 199 general Hospital, that is a class 1 general hospital in Danang. They will come immediatly as soon as you request with the fully-equepped and a nurse alway smiling.
Information for contact:
What do you need to prepare to contact them ?
What do you need to do after their visit ?
About international insurance card:
This hospital can support all international insurance card.
Khamdinhkydanang.com – Doctors directory of Vietnam
The web working for the public health, so all hospitals, clinics, dental, beauty salon…can post information for free.
Rehabilitation Facilities in Danang
Take care for elderly in Danang