What do dermatologist can do for you ?
Dermatologist diagnose and treat skin conditions. Thay also recognize symptoms that appear on your skin which may indicate problems inside your body. They often perform specialized diagnostic procedures related to skin conditions. They use treatments including:
If you need to find a dermatologist in Danang, you should refer many places below:
Dermatologist have an examination for a patient at 199 hospital.
Treatment costs:
Let’s see details at: PHÒNG KHÁM DA LIỄU – THẨM MỸ ĐÀ NẴNG
Foreigners who come for medical examination and treatment at this clinic can speak English directly with the doctors or can request an interpreter.
Insurance card:
All international insurance cards are accepted here.
2. Da Nang dermatologist hospital
Related topics:
Bệnh viện Da Liễu Đà Nẵng – 91 Dũng Sĩ Thanh Khê, Đà Nẵng
3. Dr. Nguyen Duc Tien Dermatology Clinic
Specialized in examining and treating skin diseases, dermatitis, with a team of experienced doctors working at the dermatology hospital.
Contact information:
Services at Dr Nguyen Duc Tien dermatology clinic:
4. Dr. Doan Van Hung Dermatology Clinic
Dr Doan Van Hung is a deputy director of Danang Dermatology hospital.
Contact information:
5. Dr Le Thi Phi Phong
Contact information:
Khamdinhkydanang.com – Doctors directory of Vietnam
The web working for the public health, so all hospitals, clinics, dental, beauty salon…can post information for free.
Established by Mr Nguyen Hai Quoc
Rehabilitation Facilities in Danang