International hospitals in Da Nang

International hospitals in Da Nang

Doctors directory of Viet Nam

If you are planning a trip or relocation to Danang, it is vital to research about it’s healthcare system for any annual check-up or emergency casses while staying here. With Danang, the city with hosts numerous hospitals and clinics with well equipment, modern facolities and high-expertise staff. Here below is the list of reliable public and private hospitals and medical centers in Danang: 

Public hospital:

1. BỆNH VIỆN 199 


  • Add: 216 Nguyen Cong Tru St, Son Tra Dis, Da Nang (Nearly My Khe beach)
  • Hotline: 1900986868
  • Tel: 02363 985 276
  • Email:
  • Online registration: Click here
  • 247 support: 0906548848


  • Periodic health examination 
  • International health care insurance accept 
  • Home care 
  • Medical services provider for businesses 
  • Take care for elderly 
  • Helthcare check-up for working permit

2. Danang Hospital


Address: 124 Hai Phong Street, Thach Thang Ward, Hai Chau District, Danang City
Telephone: +84 236 3821118

Danang general hospital is the last line hospital in Central – Highlands, which is responsible for treatment to patients in many provinces from Danang city to Daklak province.

Private hospitals:

  1. Vinmec Danang


  • Add: Roundabout 30/4 street and Nguyen Huu Tho street, Hai Chau District, Danang City.
  • Tel: 0236 3 711 111
  • Maps: Click here

2. Hoan My Danang Hospital 


Address: 291 Nguyen Van Linh Street, Thanh Khe District, Danang City
Telephone: +84 236 3650 676

3. Danang Family Medical Practice


Address: 96-98, Nguyen Van Linh Street, Hai Chau District, Danang City
Telephone: +84 236 3582 699

Family medical practice – – Danh bạ bác sĩ cho mọi nhà.

Tìm bác sĩ tại các Tỉnh – Thành phố

Trang tìm kiếm bệnh việnbác sĩ, nhà thuốc, nha khoa, thẩm mỹ viện, phục hồi chức năng …

Hệ thống hoạt động vì sức khỏe cộng đồng nên mọi cá nhân, doanh nghiệp liên quan đến dịch vụ Y tế đều được niêm yết thông tin miễn phí.

Trân trọng cảm ơn quý khách !

Hệ thống được tài trợ bởi: Bệnh viện 199 – Bộ Công An

Admin: Nguyen Hai Quoc – Email:


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