Healthcare check-up for work permit in Hoi An – Quang Nam for Foreigners

Healthcare check-up for work permit in Hoi An – Quang Nam for Foreigners

Doctors Directory of VietnamMedical care address for foreigners in Hoi An

A health certificate of fitness to work is a mandatory document in the application for a work permit for foreigners working in Vietnam. However, according to regulations of state agencies, only certain medical facilities are qualified to provide health examinations for foreigners in order to apply for work permits.

So in Quang Nam, where can you get a health check to apply for a work permit for foreigners?

Pursuant to Notice No. 2663/SYT dated October 24, 2023 of the Department of Health of Quang Nam province on the posting of medical examination and treatment facilities self-declaring eligibility for health examination for foreigners according to Circular 14 /2013/TT-BYT – Vinh Duc General Hospital.

So, Vinh Duc General Hospital is eligible for medical examination and work permit application for foreigners from October 24, 2023.

Lists of mandatory examinations to apply for a specific work permit include:

  1. Khám lâm sàng tổng quát (Generat examination)
  2. Định nhóm máu hệ ABO (Blood analysis)
  3. Định nhóm máu hệ Rh(D) (Blood anylysis)
  4. Công thức máu (Blood composition)
  5. Máu lắng (blood sedimentation)
  6. Urê máu (Renal function)
  7. Huyết sắc tố (Hemoglobin)
  8. KST Sốt rét (Malaria test)
  9. XN Viêm gan A (A hepatitis test)
  10. XN Viêm gan B (B hepatitis test)
  11. XN Viêm gan C (C hepatitis test)
  12. XN Viêm gan E (E hepatitis test)
  13. XN huyết thanh giang mai (Syphilis test)
  14. XN HIV Ab test nhanh (HIV test)
  15. Thử phản ứng Mantoux
  16. Thử thai (Pregnant test)
  17. Test nhanh 4 loại ma tuý (addictive substance test)
  18. XN phân (fecal bacteria test)
  19. Điện tâm đồ (ECG)
  20. Điện não đồ (EBG)
  21. Siêu âm bụng tổng quát (Abdominal ultrasound)

Total: 2.410.000 VND



  • Address: Village 8A, Dien Nam Trung, Dien Ban, Quang Nam
  • Email:
  • Emergency: 19005117
  • Customer care center: 19004405
  • Đường đi (Get directions): Click here
  • Register: Click here
  • Support 24/7: 0906548848

Vinh Duc General Hospital is the largest private hospital in Quang Nam with more than 350 treatment beds. They have an International Department with a team of doctors who speak English quite fluently along with modern equipment such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, CT scanner…

How long does the entire examination process take?

The entire examination, ultrasound, and testing process only takes 60 to 90 minutes. – Doctors directory of Vietnam

The web working for the public health, so all hospitals, clinics, dental, beauty salon…can post information for free.

Established by Mr Nguyen Hai Quoc

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