Danang Hemodialysis Centers
There are 3 hemodialysis centers, most of them are public hospitals, include:
199 Hospital was established in 1999 with 450 beds for internal treatment, there are have 88 Doctors and modern equipments for treatment.
Doctor in charge: Dr Tran Quang Phap
2. Hemodialysis department of Danang Hospital
Hemodialysis department was established in 2002.
Doctor in charge:Dr Vo Quang Vinh
3. Hemodialysis department of C Hospital
Most of them are accept health insurance and international healthcare card. 199 Hospital accept and take care for more 40 types of health care cards.
Khamdinhkydanang.com – Doctors directory of Vietnam
The web working for the public health, so all hospitals, clinics, dental, beauty salon…can post information for free.
Established by Mr Nguyen Hai Quoc